Week 17: A Semi-Realised Plan
I feel like this week was a real mixed bag and my overwhelming feeling when reflecting on the week is one of dissatisfaction which is because I know I could have done better at both sticking to the plan and making the most of each session.

Week 16: An Adjusted Plan
A cracker of a week!! It helped that we were on holiday so plenty of time to do all the scheduled sessions without stressing about the schedule!

Week 15: An Interrupted Plan
This year it’s a Super Easter - meaning that for four days of annual leave, one gets ten days off - and we had plans.

Week 14: A cold...not COVID
Almost no training this week due to a cold. A the cold was due to a ripper of a night out which was followed by a very debilitating hangover which in turn triggered the cold.

Week 10 and 11: In which we walk
I feel like this week was a real mixed bag and my overwhelming feeling when reflecting on the week is one of dissatisfaction which is because I know I could have done better at both sticking to the plan and making the most of each session.

Week 9: Back on Track
I feel like this week was a real mixed bag and my overwhelming feeling when reflecting on the week is one of dissatisfaction which is because I know I could have done better at both sticking to the plan and making the most of each session.

Week 8: A Derailment
I feel like this week was a real mixed bag and my overwhelming feeling when reflecting on the week is one of dissatisfaction which is because I know I could have done better at both sticking to the plan and making the most of each session.

Week 6: A Middling Week
I feel like this week was a real mixed bag and my overwhelming feeling when reflecting on the week is one of dissatisfaction which is because I know I could have done better at both sticking to the plan and making the most of each session.

Week 5: These feet are made for walking
Lot’s of walking this week which, along with the swimming, is really starting to pay fitness dividends.

Week 4: Overtraining looks great in the stats...for now
A week of overtraining this week - at least according to Garmin which started telling me on Thursday that my training is unproductive….