Week 8: A Derailment


An absolute shocker of a week…..

  • Total Relative Effort for the week: 40

  • Total Distance for the week: 4km

  • Total Time for the week: 1hr6m

Instead of dwelling on what might be called a catastrophic failure, I’m instead trying to reflect on why this has happened and figure out what I need to put in place to get back on the horse. My theory is that I need the Sunday planning time for the week ahead so that I’m really clear on the general shape of my week and then specifically what training sessions are happening when. I also hope that some of this week, and last, are about disrupted routines and that with this week being the official return to COVID “normal”, routine will be re-established and therefore a noticeable difference will be present in the stats next week!


Quote of the Week

Success in life comes to those who simply refuse to give up; individuals with vision so strong that obstacles, failure and loss only act as teachings

Silken Laumann



Week 9: Back on Track


Week 6: A Middling Week