Week 5: These feet are made for walking


Lot’s of walking this week which, along with the swimming, is really starting to pay fitness dividends.

Some quick stats for the week:

  • Total Relative Effort for the week: 162

  • Total Distance for the week: 25km

  • Total Time for the week: 5hrs54m

A fabulous week this week for my running: after 3 weeks of consistent walking, I finally took the plunge and added some running in. One minute intervals to start with a one minute walk break with a total of five minutes running and over the following two run/walk sessions built up to three minutes of running with a one minute walk for a total of nine minutes runnings. Pleasingly, there has been no delayed onset muscle soreness from any of the sessions and no post-run wheezing which I have previously had issues with.

I think the combination of lots of swimming and lots of walking is making the transition to running much much easier!


Quote of the Week

Slow down.

Calm down.

Don’t worry.

Don’t hurry.

Trust the process.

Alexandra Stoddard



Week 6: A Middling Week


Week 4: Overtraining looks great in the stats...for now