Week 9: Back on Track


A MUCH better week this week!!

  • Total Relative Effort for the week: 189

  • Total Distance for the week: 20km

  • Total Time for the week: 3hr33m

A combination of factors for success this week: Sunday planning, a visible calendar on the fridge, company to train with - and commit to training with and using training time for thinking time.

And it was the thinking time that really worked for me this week: in my work life I’m working on spending more time thinking so that I have the clarity of thought needed to lead more effectively and it turns out that swimming and running (so far) are excellent for this. I’ve found swimming really good for post-event processing and running for creative thinking. I don’t know why one would be better at one aspect than another - perhaps because I tend to run in the morning and swim at night.

Anyhoo….we will try a rinse and repeat this week!


Quote of the Week

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood

Theodore Roosevelt



Week 10 and 11: In which we walk


Week 8: A Derailment