Week 10 and 11: In which we walk


Two very solid weeks which I’m extremely happy with.

  • Total Relative Effort for the week: W9=119 W10=173

  • Total Distance for the week: W9=20km W10=13.7km

  • Total Time for the week: W9=3hr09m W10=2hr21

I’ve been doing lots of walking the last two weeks - walking the dogs at least once a day and then some long walks on the weekend. Saturday was a very very long walk - comparatively speaking - and one done at pace and I’m wondering if a solid walk like this might be a good strategy to improve both my aerobic fitness and also my running. So I’m going to attempt that from now until Easter.

Over the same time frame, I’m having a competition with a friend from work on the total number of kilometers we can ride. The impetus for both of these is a 5kg challenge we’re doing at home - lose 5kg by Easter and I would very much like to win!!


Quote of the Week

If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it

Muhammad Ali



Week 14: A cold...not COVID


Week 9: Back on Track