Week 15: An Interrupted Plan


This year it’s a Super Easter - meaning that for four days of annual leave, one gets ten days off - and we had plans. Plans to spend the week at a remote beach on the eastern coast of Victoria where we could spend our days walking, riding, fishing, reading and getting some really solid workouts in. I was especially counting on the later to retrieve my training week as the squeezing of five days of work into four and the disrupted routine had meant that I had skipped a couple of sessions during the week.

We duly left Melbourne on Friday morning and set off with a car full of gear and a heart full of hope and made our way along the M1 until it turned into the C485. Four leisurely hours of driving later and the key retrieved from the estate agent and we pulled up in front of what was to be our idyllic getaway for the duration. Except that idyllic had passed this by and what we actually go was an unkempt fibro shack. And that was from the outside. Upon entering, the inside was even worse!! Filthy, smelly and damp.

It was one of those moments when hopes and dreams come abruptly crashing down around your ears and for the first little bit, you’re abit like a stunned mullet. A short walk along the beach to figure out what to do and a call to the real estate agent later meant that we at least had to stay the night which gave us some time to find somewhere else. Very fortuitously we found a beautiful house in Blairgowrie that was available the next day for five days so a relocation of the holiday was duly undertaken. It has thrown the training plans up in the air and we all know I’m not particularly good at adjusted plans. On the flipside though - lots of long walks and have cracked 10000 steps a day so all is not lost. We head back to Melbourne on Thursday so I’d like to have 5 days of intense sessions next week.

  • Total Relative Effort for the week: 32

  • Total Distance for the week: 11.5

  • Total Time for the week: 54min


Quote of the Week

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!

Robert Burns



Week 16: An Adjusted Plan


Week 14: A cold...not COVID