New York: Statue bro?
Travel Diary Carleen Harawira Travel Diary Carleen Harawira

New York: Statue bro?

Every time I see a statue, the dreadful old joke about what one kiwi statue said to another floats through my brain.  It does sometimes mean stifling an inappropriate urge to snigger - it's possibly not the done thing to ask Lady Liberty "statute bro?".

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On the streets of New York
Travel Diary Carleen Harawira Travel Diary Carleen Harawira

On the streets of New York

We have done ALOT of walking whilst we've been in New York.  We've found that it's a city that's much easier to navigate via walking and almost everything is within walking distance of where we were staying in midtown.  For almost all of the holiday, we've both done over 10,000 steps a day but in New York, we've more than doubled that each day.

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Travel Diary Carleen Harawira Travel Diary Carleen Harawira


New Years in New York.  It's the stuff of bucket lists and dreams and we are so lucky to be here.  We've pinched ourselves a few times on this trip - it's the culmination of a redundancy, some saving and a year of detailed planning and I think we've thought it so often that actually living it feels a little surreal.

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