T-33 and the hamstrings are singing

The achilles recovery continues to progress which has meant an increase in training load with 10kms of running put in the bank last week.  All with zero pain which is the first week that has happened for 6 months.  Sooooo because in every aspiring amateur athlete lurks a masochist, we made a slight change to my pedalling this week to load more through the heel.  I can't focus on pushing and pulling at the same time across the two different legs so we're trying a technique of just focus on weighting the heel whilst pedalling.  There was a slight increase in performance and an outsize increase in post-exercise soreness with my hamstrings singing soprano for a day and a half after Sunday's long ride.  We're heading to NZ for 10 days next week so Carman (and my hamstrings) get a 2 week recovery period before we try that again!!

I had a really good week by just focusing on having a Training Peaks green week and delivering some numbers.....

TSS: Dreaming of 700-1000 and OMG we're nearly there wth a 571 for the week!!

CTL: An increase from 21 two weeks ago to 32 so 80-115 is looking somewhat more achievable


T-28 Endurance comes from Perseverance not Perfection


T-34 and we're into autumnal training