T-34 and we're into autumnal training


Autumn has finally and somewhat suddenly made an appearance in Melbourne and, for someone who loves winter, it is well overdue. In another week when daylight savings arrives, we have situational perfection for moi and zee training: bright, cold mornings.  The dogs will therefore get the dark end of the day for their walks so new disco lights have been purchased.

We had a good week last week with two highlights:

  • I got to 15x1min run 1min walk with zero achilles pain during the run and only a little aching the day after

  • I did a 2.5km swim which finished with the sweetest, smoothest 200m I think I've ever swum.  Everything just WORKED. And it was brilliant.

This week was also the week a new bike accessory got it's first use.  In the sad period in which I had to use Antz road bike (otherwise known as Roger the Roadie), I took the windtrainer skewer out of my bike and fitted it into Roger so that training continued uninterrupted. Skewering Roger so to speak....  

With the arrival of Carmen, Ant has decided to take up the use of the windtrainer so we left Roger as is and I ordered a new skewer.  As a marketer I should know and be able to avoid all the tricks but alas, knowledge isn't really power and so whilst purchasing the skewer online, ones eye was caught by the attractively named Sweat Net.  Because a towel clearly just won't do when one is deep in purchase fever...

So the sweat net was duly purchased, installed and used.  It was soon evident that there was a teeny flaw in the plan in that it is very cold in the garage and it was a cold day so very little sweating actually occurred.  I also neglected to consider that the Towel Method was a very handy place for resting the remote in case one needed to rewind RuPaul and really take in the shade of it all.  So for anyone, like me, who gets seduced into Buying Things They Don't Need and is considering a sweat net, I have one almost unused one you can have for free!! Unless of course tomorrow’s session is a monster sweat-bucket and the sweat net turns out to be a GOAT.

TSS: Dreaming of 700-1000 but manifesting 230 (or nearly twice last week's number)

CTL: An incremental increase from 19 to 21 so ALOT of work to do to get to the 80-115


T-33 and the hamstrings are singing


T-35 A Trifecta of Rs