T-26 Stars and Stones
Some sessions are stones and some sessions are stars but in the end they’re all rocks and we can build on them. This week has been both and I’m learning the value of making small changes as we go.

T-27 Motivation isn't a magic alchemy
You would think that after last week’s scare, motivation would taken as read and there would be a stampede to each scheduled session. This week was about realising that motivation doesn’t happen by magic.

T-28 Endurance comes from Perseverance not Perfection
This week has been a Wonder Week - emotionally turbulent, unsettling but a leap of emotional growth. I learnt this week the insidiousness of self-sabotage and I learnt the value of asking for help.

T-33 and the hamstrings are singing
The achilles recovery continues to progress which has meant an increase in training load with 10kms of running put in the bank last week.
T-34 and we're into autumnal training
It’s very nearly daylight savings and to celebrate we’re going to talk a little bit about sweat nets