Week 2: The benefits of doing
An excellent week on the fitness front - on all fronts actually - but as this particular blog post is about my training, it has been a very good week . Some quick stats - because we all know how much I like a suite of stats:
Total Relative Effort for the week: 213
Total Distance for the week: 32km
Total Time for the week: 5hrs8m
In amongst all this training of the physical fitness, I’ve been trying to put some routines and structures in place to make sure that this week is not a one-off that fades away to the easy routines of life but instead the start of something that is consistently done and ritualised. To do this, I’m practicing some positive visualisation by thinking about routines and structures that have inbuilt benefits. So, because I like threes (apparently there’s specific psychological reasons about why human’s have an affinity to threes), there are three things I’m working on leveraging:
The Benefits of Group Fitness
This week I’ve done almost all my training with someone else and it has made a huge difference having someone else there. Someone to compete against, to commiserate with and let’s face it: its easier to stay on track when you’ve committed a day and time to someone else.
The Benefits of Routine
I’ve always been better when I’ve had a routine and this week has just confirmed this. That, and the benefits of pre-planning the week.
The Benefits of Getting Outside
This one is so obvious after an outdoor workout but one which I seem to constantly forget in the lead up to getting out for a session. Regardless of the weather, the fresh air, the peace, the sounds, the sunlight, the rain, the wind all do something very good to one’s mental clarity and mental state.
Quote of the Week
Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads
Henry David Thoreau