Week 1: In which we swim


Training for this first week of the year was a joy: we were on holiday (read here) so I’d asked for a half hour a day of activity that alternated between open water swimming and running. It was super humid regardless of what time of day so the running was all walking and most of that on the soft sand. The swimming though was absolutely fantastic.

I’ve also been slightly terrified of open water swimming following an horrific swim a few years ago so I wasn’t quite sure how it would go. However, my Fiji experience was a revelation. I don’t know if its because it was Fiji but I found every swim both invigorating and really relaxing with absolutely no hint of terror. I was swimming about 150-200m offshore which is also previously unheard of, on a beach which has probably never seen a lifeguard and in a harbour that did have a fair current and wasn’t always as smooth as glass. So it’s not like the conditions where 100% perfect. And yet, I never experienced a single moment of nerves or fear and enjoyed every swim. I’m going to try a swim in the Melbourne bay and see if this apparent breakthrough is location-based or something more permanent.

So a relaxed week to start the year and now the next 11 weeks are all about getting ready to have a crack at a sprint triathlon which will be my first in about 3 years.


Quote of the Week

True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment

William Penn



Week 2: The benefits of doing


Bulla 2022!