A Summer Daze


So the goal for this week was 4 Run/Walks, 1 ride, 1 swim and 1 recovery walk: the result for the week was 42% so aways to go in getting to the consistency needed. In the 100% zone however was being right on the weekly calorie goal and completely more than the number of daily steps prescribed by Garmin.

Something I’ve realised this week is how my lack of exercise routine has been to the detriment of my thinking time. By default, alot of the thinking I do whilst exercising seems to be about work and I think towards the end of last year, that lack of thinking really started to impact my professional performance. However, even though I have a rich and rewarding professional life that I love, I’d really like to focus more on being more balanced and finding equal amounts of time for personal endeavours including using my exercise routine for more personal reflection and thinking.

Asides from this, I’m currently engrossed in a new documentary about Lance Armstrong called, simply, Lance. It’s a fascinating watch about drive and competitiveness that is thrilling, motivating and slightly scary at how on the edge high performance is. Tiny side note, it’s very jarring on the current-day sensibilities is seeing the Tour de France being raced with no helmets worn. Anyhoo, this all ties in with my current “serious” reading material which is The Art of the Impossible by Stephen Kotler. I am 2 chapters in and thoroughly enjoying this read which may well make it into a future blog post depending on the reading progress!


Quote of the Week

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

Soren Kierkegaard



Swimming Upstream


Not quite back to normal