Not quite back to normal
It has been the first “normal” week for the year: back to work and theoretically back to some kind of routine. Based on the numbers however its really been a half-normal weeks with half of the expected workouts complete and half of the expected distance covered. This kinda makes snese: Healthspan recently did some research on how long it took to get back to normal after a holiday. Apparently it takes four days after a 2 week break so I’m just proving that research right!
It is hard work coming back from what feels like zero fitness but I just have to keep reminding myself that its consistency that’s going to make the difference and just doing a little bit better than yesterday. And to keep reminding myself that getting out in the fresh air is even more important given that I’m still 100% working from home.
Anyhoo the goal for this week is 4 Run/Walks, 1 ride, 1 swim and 1 recovery walk. AND as always to do the stretching and rolling thing….
Quote of the Week
A champion doesn't become a champion in the ring, he's merely recognised in the ring. His “becoming” happens during his daily routine
Joe Louis