Swimming Upstream
So this week involved the first swim I’ve done in exactly 13 months and my goodness twas a shock. Any technique I may have painstakingly developed, all the arm strength, the teeny bit of core strength and any resemblance to any other than a slowly drowning, flailing mess has sadly disappeared. Every stroke felt like it was cleaving through warm glue, every length seemed to take three times as long as it ever had and the gods above only know what might have been going on below the waist because it certainly wasn’t kicking. So I think by now, dear reader, you’ve discovered just how bad the regression is in all three disciplines - we are back to the start line.
Lest however we spend too much time wallowing the the valley of what might have been, I did pull out a perfect week of training! All sessions done. All steps goals exceeded. Daily calories for each day were bang on target. And we found a new park just down the road that is ideal for running and for walking the dogs. I don’t know how we’ve missed it in the 2 years since we’ve lived here but there you go…..
The charmingly named Cherry Lake - renamed from the slightly less charming Altona Swamp - was at one point a racing track that nearly become the Grand Prix circuit but thankfully got converted into a lake instead with a 3.7 track around it. There’s lots of shade over the paths (necessary when one has a narrow operating temperature range), a wide variety of flora and fauna and - the best park - relatively few punters disturbing the peace! I got round the whole circuit seeing only 7 other people. The dogs do have to stay on leash the whole way which is a test of one’s patience when said dogs insist on heading in opposite directions at all times.
So this week we shall attempt to repeat the consistency and also redo Cherry Lake in case the 7 other people were an anomoly. I shall report back next week!
Quote of the Week
Whenever we see the impossible become possible, we are witnessing the end result of a quartet of skills: motivation, learning, creativity and flow all expertly applied and significantly amplified
Stephen Kotler