A Little Aussie Road Trip to finish the year
So today we set out on our little Aussie Road Trip. It’s a trip where not much is planned asides from accommodation - we’re going to have three days in Jindabyne and 3 days in Canberra and everything else is up to chance! Which is not like any other holiday we’ve ever been on so here we go….

Two billion years of water torture
Dimension means nothing to the senses, and all we are left with is a troubled sense of immensity

The American Pyramid
The Hoover Dam was unexpectedly beautiful with Art Deco features everywhere. We were on a tour that took us over the dam and then down into the generator hall so if you're not interested in all things power stations, building and engineering maybe just scroll to the pictures!

Boondocks to Bellagio
So today is a climb out of Death Valley to the crazy of Las Vegas via the scenic route. Driving the desert in the daylight is a lot less fearsome that the white knuckle imagination kicker of the night drive.

Going East to see the Wild West
So today we are outta LA and off to the desert. Given that most of the day was going to be in a car on one's ass, I did a run/walk along the Santa Monica foreshore (and to get the Strava points...) and saw my first ever squirrel!!

Boulevard of Broken Dreams
The sun is shining, the grass is green, The orange and palm trees sway, There's never been such a day in Beverley Hills, LA

Plan B for Avoiding Jet Lag
I am writing this 24 hours post the actual events and on our designated rest day (hashtag well planned) otherwise you would be reading something incoherent and devoid of grammatical propriety.

In which we go to 'Merica
I am writing this 24 hours post the actual events and on our designated rest day (hashtag well planned) otherwise you would be reading something incoherent and devoid of grammatical propriety.