Plan B for Avoiding Jet Lag
Today was officially designated a rest day which, given that everything below my knees were suffering from edema, turned out to be A Very Good Plan (hashtag well planned).
Ant was hustled out of the hotel room at precisely 8am for a walk and breakfast - we chose the safe option and went to Starbucks with optimistic hopes that we might be able to procure a coffee that wasn't 100% crap. I guess we live and learn.
Once we'd recovered from the coffee, we walked back to the pier to hire bikes for our own little tiki tour of the beaches. 'Tis a sad day when a day of travel gets a better write up than that bike ride but honestly it was nice. Nice is such a fabulous descriptive for the day - agreeable, pleasant, satisfactory - but nothing terribly exciting. The orange, carrot and ginger smoothie I got at Muscle Beach was probably the most exciting part of the day. One hopes that random steroids weren't slipped in with the ginger but thinking about the possibilities of such really gave the smoothie an edge of adrenaline. So in summary we saw people exercising, people skateboarding, people riding on ridiculous scooters, people rollerskating and people street dancing. Specifically one guy who was basically a human pinwheel rolling down the street. Weird.
Plan A for avoiding jet lag was to re-timescale ourselves yesterday. It hasn't quite worked so Plan B is to go to dinner, have an American cocktail and a bottle of Californian wine and hope that ensures sleep by 10:30pm local time....we shall see.
Today by numbers: five film crews, innumerable homeless persons, 16500 steps, one Star Wars film watched by Ant, one Star Wars film ignored by Carly, two corn dogs eaten.
Anyway, whilst I was at dinner contemplating the combined wonder of cocktails that are double the strength of Australia at half the price, I composed a song.....
God bless America, land of the pour
Stand beside me and hold me
Whilst I valiantly keep drinking more
From the vodka to the bourbon
And the gin deadly in strength
God bless America, keep my liver on
You're welcome.
Antoine’s Content Corner
Riding around Santa Monica was like being in a Snoop Dogg video except I was the only one with no weed.