City to Coast
Some friends and I have signed up to do A Thing. A 20km hike in May. Or Coastrek to be specific. And it’s going to require training.
There are four of us doing this together and there’s a range of fitness between us all from hopelessly unfit (moi) to a walking machine. The 20km trail, so far as we can ascertain, is what is commonly referred to as rolling (Hilly) and scenic (Very Hilly) with craggy, dramatic cliffs (Bloody Hilly). And apparently some of the rolling, scenic walking happens on the sand. Probably underneath the craggy dramatic cliffs.
Elevation Map
All this is slightly daunting. However, nothing ever got achieved by sitting about and worrying so today we did our first little training walk in Yarra Bend Park. The main attraction was being able to have breakfast immediately afterwards at the Studley Park Boathouse but we did get some excellent scenery along the way including some “falls”. I do love however that Australians’ call any body of water dropping half a metre a waterfall: Dight’s Falls in any other land are some gentle rapids on the Yarra River. Much more interesting is the little suspension footbridge at the start of the walk - originally built in the 1920s but rebuilt in the 1930s after the original was washed away in a flood. Thankfully, the decking timber doesn’t appear to be the 1930s version although the rest of the superstructure is probably version 2.0 .
Anyhoo…below is abit of an update on this week’s training walk…..
We have to raise $500 each for the Heart Foundation so if you’d like to pay to see us suffer and sweat our way from desk-bound city hounds to lean coast trekkers then you can make a small donation by clicking this link
And here’s some bonus content!