
Three events of interest today: another (!) dam, a new fashion accessory and a rodeo…

The dam was really a must see given that we are staying right on Lake Jindabyne which is part of the Snowy River scheme. Where we are staying is the “new” Jindabyne - the “old” Jindabyne is under the water and only visible when lake levels are low which is not apparently right now. The dam was a slight disappointment in that its not very accessible so you can only see one side of it - the non interesting side that’s holding the water back.

The new fashion accessory is proving to be an absolutely prize winning find. I forgot to bring a hat with me so we stopped off in the teeny shopping centre and purchased the only hat that wasn’t straight from an abandoned golf bag. (Katrine protested that there was one other hat not wholly awful which she purchased). Whilst purchasing said hat, we spotted possibly Australia’s greatest invention: an insect net that goes over the hat. Purchased and donned in a matter of seconds, I now refuse to go outside without this valuable piece of hat accessorising.

We then spent the rest of the day at a rodeo! Which very conveniently happened to be a 100m walk from where we are staying so we could retreat back for cold drinks and air-conditioning as the need arose. The rodeo was wall-to-wall blue jeans, tucked in shirts and white cowboy hats accompanied by country music over the tinny loud speakers so one had a Very Good Time. It was a small, country-town rodeo y’all so we could get right up on the fence and see everything. Which on occasion was slightly scary especially when it came to the bull riding. I don’t believe the fences would have passed a detailed safety inspection so it’s probably just as well that the various livestock being run about the ring seemed to have more of an idea about what was going on than we did! I don’t know the specific names but there was steer riding, barrel racing, bull riding and riding of bucking horses with and without saddles.

We finished the day with a little dip in the lake and the arrival of some rain which we’re hoping continues overnight for the sake of the drought.


The top of Australia


A Little Aussie Road Trip to finish the year