The Road Ahead


I wasn’t going to do New Years resolutions this year as I seem to be terminally part of the 92% of people who don’t ever achieve their resolutions. However, our quiet New Year’s Eve found me writing an excel spreadsheet of not resolutions, but a plan for the year ahead. Even though I didn’t achieve everything I wanted last year, there was a minor celebration of a net weight loss of 9.8kg across the end points of 1 Jan and 31 Dec: it would have been more except the Christmas party season inflicted some damage.

However there is no escaping, that for whatever the reason, the major goal of achieving a half-ironam wasn’t achieved. I hinged my entire year on one single event, Taupo, which I failed to get to and in retrospect, may not have been the best strategy so, this year, the goal of completing a half-ironman remains however I’ve made a slight change to the strategy in getting there by adding in regular events to act as waypoints. Chris has challenged me to think about what I’m going to do differently this year compared to other years to keep myself on course - I’m still working through what that might look like but I have some early ideas. I do want to spend time this year doing some longer runs and rides in different places around Victoria - this ties in with a commitment Ant and I have made to spend a weekend away together every month. I’ve got a very busy first 6 months of the year at work so we decided that regular weekends away would be a good strategy to curb my workaholic tendencies and keep us both mentally healthy. We are also thinking that towards the end of the year, it might be a nice way of supporting, in a tiny way, some of the communities that have been (and those possibly yet to be) impacted by bushfires by spending our few tiny tourist dollars in some of the smaller regional towns.

So the list of events for the year is as below with Hawkes Bay in May and Melbourne in November as the priority events.

  • 02 Feb 2020: 2XU Triathlon Elwood, Sprint Distance

  • 15 Mar 2020: 2XU Triathlon Brighton, Sprint Distance

  • 29 Mar 2020: 2XU Triathlon St Kilda, Olympic Distance

  • 16 May 2020: Hawkes Bay Half Marathon

  • 14 Jun 2020: Rapid Ascent Trail Series 

  • 12 Jul 2020: Rapid Ascent Trail Series 

  • 09 Aug 2020: Rapid Ascent Trail Series 

  • 06 Sep 2020: Rapid Ascent Trail Series 

  • 11 Oct 2020: Rapid Ascent Trail Series 

  • 15 Nov 2020: Melbourne Half Ironman


Quote of the Week

And so the Fates are seldom wrong
No matter how they twist and wind
It is you and I who make our fates
We open up or close the gates
On the road ahead or the road behind.

The Road Ahead or The Road Behind by George Joseph Moriarty



Nana korobi ya oki: in which we try again


A Smoky Beginning